Top 10 Male Fertility Questions
1. When should a semen analysis be performed?
As soon as evaluations begin with the female partner or following 6 to 12 months of unprotected intercourse with no pregnancies. Following cancer treatments analyses can be performed to monitor for return of fertility.
2. How much does a semen analysis cost?
It costs $150, due at time of service. We accept cash or credit. We are not contracted with any insurance companies but can give you the codes to submit for reimbursement or put towards your out-of-network deductible, upon request.
3. Do I need an appointment?
Yes, we do require appointments for all semen analyses and processing. Please call (520) 885-2689 to schedule an appointment.
4. How do I prepare for a semen analysis?
Abstain from sexual activity or ejaculations for 2-5 days (2-3 preferable, particularly if for fertility testing) prior to your appointment.
5. Can I collect the sample at home?
Yes, a sterile collection container can be obtained from our front office for home collections. The sample needs to be delivered to the laboratory within one (1) hour of collection to ensure the highest quality sample and the most accurate results. A private collection room is also available for on-site collection.
6. What is an acceptable collection method?
Masturbation with minimal to no lubricant is the preferred collection method and provides the most accurate results.
7. What is the most common cause of male factor infertility?
Varicocele, which is a dilation of veins in the scrotum, that causes increased testicular temperatures resulting in lowered sperm production and quality. It is easily treated with a procedure called a varicocelectomy, which is performed by a urologist.
8. What other factors cause low production and abnormal sperm?
Hormone disorders, cancer treatments, sexual dysfunction, undescended testicles, testicular trauma, testosterone or steroid use, lifestyle choices, sexually transmitted diseases, occupational hazards, genetic abnormalities or other underlying medical conditions.
9. Is male factor infertility treatable and who should manage my treatment?
Yes, there is a range of treatments currently available for male factor infertility. If your semen analysis results are abnormal we recommend you see a male fertility specialist or urologist for treatment options. Some doctors may recommend moving directly to advanced fertility treatments, such as IVF, in order to help you make a baby but fail to ever diagnose and treat the cause of the male factor, which in some cases could have been treated to allow for natural conception, and in extreme cases have failed to detect malignancy-caused infertility. The goal should be to diagnose and treat. Your spouse will start at an OB/GYN and be referred out to a fertility specialist (REI) if female factor infertility is suspected. Your urologist or male fertility specialist may also refer you and your spouse to an REI if untreatable male factor infertility is detected. The urologist or male factor specialist would also be the ones that would perform any surgical sperm retrievals.
10. What natural options are available for improving borderline low sperm quality?
A number of fertility-blended supplements are on the market that can help improve sperm production and quality. A second analysis should be tested 2 months after starting the supplement to monitor changes.